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Friday, October 31, 2008

we went to the movies!!
~me,amirah,nurul,naqiyah n omairah~
watched High School Musical 3!!:D it rawks!lol..
i lyk the songs.veryy nicee....:)

u guyys out there shud watch it!!yeah!^-^v

haiz..aft dat we went to the open plaza to take some pics..

then home sweet home!!heee...

Bdaes is a wonderful event dat evry1 goes through each yr
without fail.The most impt thing abt it is to feel the luv frm

ppl such as ur family, friends etc.

Juz knowing dat they care for you is the best
Presents r juz xtra stuff u get for leisure.

Ppl, juz rmb dat bdaes r nt abt presents n how much it cost,

is abt knowing ur appreciated in this world.They r thanking u

for being born into this world on dat special day cos u make a difference.

so it doesn't matter hw much the present cost n u shudn't
let this affect u coz i u r,then it juz shows hw IMMATURE u r.. :p

bengkel drama..tgether with 3e1 n 3e2..n of course 3e4!yeah!


random much!!

the dudettes!COOL OR WAD..?!

~nurul,omairah,amirah,naqiyah n me..~

posing for a magazine cover!!-.-"

me n nurul.. :D

at the bus.heheh..






me n the dramaqueen!!xD

♥ Blogged @
11:14 PM

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

ok..here are the pics tat i wanted to upload n finally i did!!!!
bt some are just random n are memories 3e4'08 ^^

idris,karthik,izzat n amirah :)

our last monopoly game this yr..during the "last day" of sch

the cake amirah made for mdm dini n 3e4 for our class gathering..mmmmm...

snapping pics while waitin for amirah..lol!

during our marching break when we're lying at the bs..dun even ask y we're doin this pose.. :p

circle of frenz!!-.-'

pic with our form teacher tis yr!!we're gonna miss u!!!<3>

one word..lol!

me,nurul,arina,naqiyah n amirah :D

credit goes to pan for taking this 2 pics for us!!^^

n last bt not least...give it up for...3e4 2008!!!!!!!!!!woot!woot!!*claps!we rawk!oh yeah.. :)
picturE taken by mr tan hl :)


♥ Blogged @
9:00 AM

Saturday, October 25, 2008

im tired!!!!well,im sure everybody in the band is feeling the same wayy..
had marching todae.ok larh..not bad..
n our marching standard was higher than expected..hehe!!
i dunno abt u bt i tink most credits goes to jyngle!
she realli helped n motivated us with our marching..
n thanks for the advise on wad course to take
in poly..lol! :)
ok rite now..i would just lyk to sayy..
for my REPEATING(let me emphasize on tat) mistake
during the video..especially the last one!where
i was the last to put dwn my instrument
n it was lyk so damn obvious larh cn!!coz i was in the frnt row..
so once again..im sorry!x1000
had to memorize silver gazebo n keep forgetting
the transition part when it's soo important as trum
were the oni ones playing the melody i tink..
during the section drills we nvr even do anything..
just chatted with each other..abt twilight,sing to the dawn etc.
lol!very random rite??during one of the breaks,me
n amirah lied dwn on the bs floor..COOLING.. :)
we became crazy!n took some pics..-.-"
lazy to upload larh..i will upload all the pics in one post later on!
n in the atrium damn funny..when we were marching
towards the fountain,the bird flew away..i
almost burst out laughing!XD n weiyi did tat sound effect
with her instrument..lol!so funny n cute!
n when we're packing up..a rumour started..of course it's not true!
n only keith,terence n weichyi knew the truth at tat time..hee..
a lot of ppl watched the vid of us marching n they
laughed at my mistake!lol!i have to agree..it was kinda
funny..XD haiz..after tat,straightaway went home
with amirah,nad n riqa.. :D

im having an atrocious headeache rite now!!
feel lyk vomiting n my troat hurts alot!dunno y im
feeling this wayy..it's taking me lyk 30 mins just posting this post
coz i have to pause once in a while..T.T bye......... XP

♥ Blogged @
9:23 AM

Thursday, October 23, 2008

yoyo ppl!!-.-"

everybody's saying todae is the last day of sch..
bt not for the sec3s..we still have extended program..heheh..
im not sad or sian..as a matter of fact..im looking forward to it!
wanna c mie classmates again!n study realli hard..0.o
todae was quite fun!played monopoly with some ppl
until 9.10am then went to ml lesson..
after the break..we started our UYHC..VERY FUNN!!:D
izzat was the leader for his grp of cleaning up the chairs..
then he keep ordering us around!lyk WTH..hahahs..
cleaned some tables with karthik n amirah..lol!
cant seem to clean it alone u c..^-^"
after cleaning abt 4-5 tables..played with the cloth
with izzat n amirah..became CRAZY!!go n run n run ard the
class.:D then when cleaning the chair beside idris,he
scrubbed soo hard until the water splashed
on my hand n uniform..-.-"!!!!!my skirt oso kena seyy!now my skirt
gt a lot of grey spots..tsk!n while cleaning..me,amirah,
idris,izzat n john still had time to play tat game..ntn
better to do..:p very hard to trick them seyy..n im
lyk the easiest one to be tricked T.T after finished cleaning,
gt back our report books..dun even wan to mention abt it :p
here's our top 10 class position..*drum roll..*
1st-yeh gee!
6th-ding jie!
7th-naqi n dian!
10th-robin n xunjia!
fyi..our 1st in class is also 1st among the whole sec 3 lvl!
YEAH!3E4 RAWKS!! \m/(^~^)\m/

then somebody wrote on the whiteboard "3e4 sucks"
nicholas said,"yeah!3e4 sucks!"
the class,"huh??y??"
nicholas,"coz we going sec 4 oredi wad..so 3e4 suckx n 4e4 rawks!"hee..
hmmm..had class gathering after sch..went down the staircase
with riqa,dee n chiachern after taking the biscuits in 3e5's class..
ate pizza,chicken wing,fried potato etc..mmm..
yummy,yummy in my tummy!!lol!also ate the cake
amirah baked for us..NICE!!especially the frosting.. :D
a msg to aniq,dun nid to haolian abt ur poa n results!i will beat u nxt yr!:p
lol!lyk real arh..hahahs..john took the leftover 4 pizzas n left
sean lim with ntn..tsktsktsk..so bad!!:p
took some pics with mdm dini n hanged out at the bus stop..-.-"
went home after tat..~~~

♥ Blogged @
5:31 AM

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

had motivational workshop at the av theatre..
combined with e2&e6..ok larh..bt the most fun part
was when idris told the story using as much items as possible
that they showed us earlier..
the most "famous" sentence..
"mas selamat found a banana,he peeled it n there was a hotdog.."
XD hahas..as funny as usual.had a mini carnival..
only took part in the artist station..draw,draw n draw
lyk there's no tmr..lol!-.-"
went back to class at 12..played this silly game bet.
me,amirah,idris n john where we have to
show this circle hand sign to the person
that we want to punch the arm on..bt to be fair..it must be
below the waist.n we must avoid looking at it
as much as possible..quite fun u noe..heheh..
when mr tan hl came to our class..asked him to
help us take a class photo..will upload it as soon as i
get it frm arina.. :D
~ciaoz ppl!!-.-" IM HIGHHIGH!~

♥ Blogged @
6:57 AM

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

experienced dragonboat todae..changed into our pe attire..
sat beside the canteen while waiting for the bus..
ate some "snacks" n was given the drink honeysuckle white tea..
bleah!XP totally not nice for me coz it tastes lyk green tea!!!HATE IT.. :P
when we reached there was given a short briefing then we separated..
10 ppl went to the small boat then 20 ppl went to the big boat..
i went to the small boat tgether with nurul,idris,john,izzat,jeff,
raikha,irda,amalina n hafsah.
at first i couldn't paddle properly bt john teached me to row the
paddle nearer to the boat..so thanks.. :)
it was fun bt tiring at the same time..n we must be coordinated
in order to let the boat move faster..interesting experience..
went under this bridge n went ashore..swam into the water!!!!!
bt frm mie grp oni me,idris,john n izzat went in..
the others didn't wan to get wet.. -.-" it was COOLING!!wish to
stay there 4 ever at tat pt. of time coz it was sunny..
discussed a stategy for the upcoming race n paddled back to where we
started..non-stop!!bt idris n john motivated us not to give up..
damn tiring n my hand was gettin numb..T.T
had a short race..the bigger boat won bt then they transfer
boys 1 boat girls 1 boat..n raced again..after everything..washed up..
took belongings..went into the bus..john was in front with
shawn woo..n he go n hang his socks at the railing above..-.-"!!
SMELLY!then he go n put perfume..worsening the situation!
coz i hate perfume makes me feel giddy..XP
had band meeting..formed our farewell party grp..
~me,amanda quek,riqa,hao han,chia chern,jesmond n kengyun~
waited for omairah at the canteen while she's havin a meeting
with nurul n amirah..bt we went home first coz it was late..
thanks for the cake just now..:)

♥ Blogged @
6:49 AM

Monday, October 20, 2008

had our first day of post-exam activity.. had a motivation workshop in class together with coach elgin..
it was surprisingly fun..yeap! put all the tables at the back n only brought our
chairs in front..coach elgin played some "games" with us to catch some ppl to do forfit..
lol! 5 girls n 5 boys were caught..u cn c them in the video below..heheh..
bt it's horizontal though..^-^" then we had to change seats in any way..
diff chair..diff row..ended up sitting with izzat n amalina..
we talked abt leadership..here's some of wad i learnt..
lesson#1-->leadership is not abt title or positon!
lesson#2-->leadership is abt influence! to impact others n to persuade
in a positive n not negative way..
lesson#3-->to lead is also to serve others
lesson#4-->success depends on leadership :)
played this game called monkey see,monkey do.. had 2 zookeepers,chia chern n pan..heheh...
it's purposely one..^^ sat in a big circle then we had 3 monkey leaders who had to change our movement without the 2 zookeepers spotting them.. it was FUN!
n we sabo them until lyk wad..lol!

had a break at 9.50am..went to the g.o with arina to apply ointment on her mosquito bites..
played games in the atrium..was frm grp 1..
~me,nurul,hafsah,idris,john,sean lim,shawn woo,huiyim n gimchen~ first we had to solve this puzzle..then coach elgin gave us the wrong board!!so we ended up in 3rd place..
after tat..given 2 envelopes..1st to spot the difference bet. 2 pic..
2nd to make 15 four-letter word frm the word 'ratatouille' (did i spell it right?)
lastly..we need to make a 3-d motor bike, mechanical pencil with a moving led!with our body!
idris lied in the middle n asked sum1 to lie on him..-.-" all the girls run to the back..lol!
lastly..a F-16.. must make the sound-effect n we said "vroooom!!"
which is a motor bike sound..-_______- went back to class..sat in a circle..
discuss 1 scenario with our own grp..~me,amirah,pan,amalina,izzat,john n junjie~ share with the class..blah3..went to the bs for a while n went home..
short intro of video..each pair/trio must ACT CUTE!:3
1st pair~chia chern n shawn woo
2nd trio!~nurul,huiyim,joceline
3rd pair~izzat n junjie
4th pair~rabia n rafidah
5th pair~nicholas n sean lim

♥ Blogged @
5:38 PM

Sunday, October 19, 2008

Jalan raye on sunday!!
~me,nurul,amirah,izzat,arina,sufian,dian,rafidah n yuyu~
omigosh!me,arina,nurul n amirah r lyk angels!sitting below the light..guarded by 2 bodyguards..lol!

aahhh!!my hair suck..XP

WOW!cool pose huh??lol!

izzat's on candid camera!:P

at aidil's house..(revalina)
had lots of laughs todae..laughing with my frenz..
my frenz laughing at me..well i dun wanna mention
names....(izzat n sufian) >:p
we only went to 4 houses todae..lol!tat's
bcoz after goin to arina's house..we went to revalina's house.
at jurong west!so took mrt at pasir ris..
n guess wad?we had a one hour journey frm here
to there..it's lyk goin frm one end of singapore to
the other end u noe..hahahs..at the mrt..sat exactly opp izzat..
firstly..gt this indian guy sat beside me..
then suddenly!gt another indian guy stood rite in
front of me!center parting..curly hair..izzat n sufian
laugh3..u tink funny isit??:P
wlao..tat's where the teasing starts..tsk!
reached revalina's hse at 6 plus..talk3..eat3..hear them sing3..
took pics..at the lift..asked izzat n sufian to squeeze in..
when sufian wanted to enter..izzat said..*teeeeeedd!*
lyk when the lift will overload..suddenly realli happen
sia!!so hilarious!then the beeping nvr stop..so
i oso went out..had a great chat with them..very funny..
went to rafidah's hse..then walked through
the bedok town park..at nite!!!!to reach the bus stop opp
the condominium..at his hse..ate mee rebus..
went home at 11 plus..n izzat sent me,amirah n sufian to the bus stop..

♥ Blogged @
7:25 AM

Jalan raye on thursday!!:)
amalina's catwalk pose..lol!
at the lift.. :)
taking a pic on the road???0.O

to summarize it all..i had a lot of fun..-.-"duhh!!lol
we only went to some ppl's house..
1st reason-no time
2nd reason-parents not at home,busy etc..
we also went to mdm soraya n mdm yani's house..
the most fun house was mdm yani's house..coz we karaoke-ed
at her hse..it was fun n enjoyable..i took a vid of it bt lazy to upload larhh :p
last house was arina's house bt oni me,amirah n nurul were left
coz it was damn late!!!!!hahahs..went home at 1 plus!XP
bt arina's mother sent us home..heheh..so thanks..^^
at home..sat in frnt of the fan..bathed..changed..SLEEP!zzZZZz..

♥ Blogged @
5:13 AM

Friday, October 17, 2008

had our last pe lesson yesterday..
sadds..T.T since we had ntn to do n not many
ppl were playing so we went to the atrium
to learn how to defend ourselves..-.-"
bt mr cho was damn funny..n there's one part
where mr cho asked us not to do this and that
so as the oppenent doesn't hit u in the head
then both john and mr cho did a headbutt!
their reaction was perfect timing!it was so hilarious!
mr cho act as if it was ntn n continued talking
bt john was in a lot of pain..XD
during ss..watch high school musical..
ok larh..bt i would prefer high school musical 2..
hahx!it was ok..some parts are funny bt we didn't get
to hear the songs coz miss jumilia's laptop
was spoiled..then we also nid to watch the movie
in slow motion..haiz.. ZzZ..
after school..went to jln raye..will blog abt it soon..
when i upload the pics.. :)

anw..here's the "comments" said by the teachers..
abt our results..lol!ntn to do..hahahs..
~mr tan cc~[POA]
"so overall..ur class gt 24 ppl who got distinction..
not bad..so far..ur class has the best results for sec 3 express. :)"
(me and nurul thought he was being sarcastic bt he wasn't..)
~mdm soraya~[F&N]
"u all did well for ur f&n exams bt the thing is ur
coursework brought down ur marks..so tat's y u must start
early and cannot procastinate(lol) so next yr we
are goin to work hard for o'lvls n im gonna help u.."
*note:next yr..two coursework!!XP
~mdm yani~[CHEM]
"class..i am not angry that many of u failed..bt i am
angry that u didn't put in effort..i know the paper was hard..
n majority of the sec3 failed this paper bt im sure
u cn still do those qns. that i have gone through b4 rite..?"
"3e4..i dun know whether u r paying attention or not
if u just sit down there and keep quiet n nvr respond..
how do you expect me to help u?"
~miss jumilia~[SS&GEOG]
"guys..i am willing to make the effort if u do..
bt if u are not interested in studying then there's ntn i can do"
~miss carol~[EL]
"class..all of u passed ur english..
and i guess u r better then my e1.. :)"
~miss jackie chan~[PHYSICS]
"majority of the boys passed physics..bt girls..that doesn't
mean that u cannot pass right?im not biased..im a lady n yet
im scolding the girls..u told me that miss yeo wasn't
good enough...so here i am..bt u still talk talk talk
and nvr pay attention during my lesson..
so this is what u get larh..it shows in your result.."
exam qn. :what does friction do to the force...(i think)
"i dun know whether to laugh or cry when i see ur ans.
u noe..the answer is friction slows down motion..
bt yet ppl cn still write wear and tear..(LOL!)
u guys are still caught up in ur pri sch work"
~miss sharifah~[MATHS]
"eh u guys arh..hw come u cannot pass ur maths?
we've gt 100%passes frm e1 n e3..n u guys only gt
50% passes..only 20 ppl passed.just lyk mid-year..
wahh..very good arh..consistency..and u have the
same standard as e5 and e6..e6 improved..frm 9 passes to 14
maybe we shud have sumthinin bet. e3 and e4??
name:e three-quarter -.-" "
during going through the paper..
*asked us to spot our common mistake for this certain qn.
all of us answered quickly.."DIFFERENT BASE"
"wahh..say it again2.."
"ohh!different base!u noe than u still make that stupid mistake?
o.0 ehh this is YOUR mistake u noe..u cn answer me n yet u
cannot apply it..ehh i tink arh..if gt maths oral u all
confirm get distinction..wads the formula for compund interest?
P(1+R/100) how to expand (a-b)2? (a+b)(a-b)"
damn sarcastic u noe!!!!!!!!!!pfft!

♥ Blogged @
12:29 AM

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

beware!this is gonna be a long post..heheh
tuesday..gt most of our papers back..
first up..malay paper..we combined with e5 n e6
since our ml lesson was the same..
n phew..i actually passed!!yay me!
its soo hard for me to pass malay coz im beta at eng..^^
after recess was poa..was satisfied with mie results..
got 71 for overall..was aiming for a1 bt nvm larh..
next up..f&n!hahahs!got 70 for overall..
not bad arh.. :) then since we gt 2 free periods..
we begged mdm soraya to show us our overall
results..cool or wad??hehe..its confidential.sshhh..
chem..oni a FEW ppl passed..n just passed at tat!
most ppl gt 20+/85..haiz..ss??dun wanna talk abt it!:p
cme was..boring!!oni gt principal talk n c prize presentation..
wlao..do they realli have to take picture of everybody
who come up on stage?????? ZZZzzz....

today..during ml lesson we went to com lab..
then something unexpected happened..awwww...
so shweet...... :3
geog..just passed..bt still didn't help me pass mie humans!
stupid ss!!argh..n for english..everybody passed!!!!!
all of us were lyk damn hyper larh..quite a handful
gt distinction..n many ppl gt 60+..heheh..
here's a conversation with amirah and izzat..
amirah:heyy let's ask izzat how much he gt
coz we always challenge each other with our eng marks..
izzat:*turned* what?
me:how much u get?
amirah:argh!he gt two more mark then me
me:ceh!!!!*to izzat*
izzat and karthik:ooh!!(inside joke)
me:-.-" wad sia..just because u gt 67 :p!
izzat and karthik:*laughs*

tsk..so proud of himself u noe..hmph!
anw,not bad arh..our class's eng..heheh..thanks
to miss carol i guess..for the first time..i passed
mie summary n gt full marks for content!
so unexpected coz it was soo hard..hahx!
then it was maths..when we gt back our results..
our class suddenly became quiet..it was so weird..
during eng..everyone was so noisy n then suddenly
the mood was changed..haiz..
last bt not least..physics..didn't pass..tat's for sure..
nid to work on mie combined science..T.T
here's another conversation with john and amirah..
i dun really rmb wad we said bt this is a rough idea..
note:this is a bit disgusting..XP
me,john and amirah:*were talking abt hair*..lol!very random..
john:hey u know the herbal essences ad?do u noe it makes ur hair straight?

amirah:y u use arh?
john:i got wear the shampoo tat's y mie hair straight and i use
it down there(lol!) then suddenly it become straight..
me and amirah:eewww!!!
me:disgusting sia..
amirah:must u tell us abt tat in detail?
john:haha!but its true..it was really straight..
amirah:*told me*lol!then it's lyk the 2 balls is the eyes
then the long thing is the nose and the straight hair is the hair!*Laughs*
me:-.-" *laughs*

♥ Blogged @
10:50 PM

Saturday, October 11, 2008

mie 11th october tags lyk siao..
haiyo...haizhaiz..haish...tsk..pfft!no comments..
this is wads goin through mie mind rite now..lol!
ok im talking crap..tat's just bcoz
i have ntn to say abt todae..damn boring i tell u!!
cant w8 till tues!coz i miss him so much!<3

♥ Blogged @
9:14 AM

Friday, October 10, 2008

riqa n nadiyah text-ed me..
n said tat they wanted to go mie hse for jln raye..
lol!!they arrived at 9 plus lyk tat..
they all looked s0 pretty n handsome!
lol!heheh..so..served them drinks..
awkward much!!hahahs..then mie mother
asked them if they all sec 3 then
aniq said tat he's actually sec2 bt he's sooo clever
until he skipped 1 lvl then go sec3..
then mie mother go n believe!!!!!n she was awestruck!!!
haiz..no comments..then we all keep laughing
n laughing at their CRAPS..lol!
nadiyah asked me if we shud tell mie mother
the truth bt i said no..HAHAHAHAHAH..
lets just let her be awestruck alrite..^-^
thanks guyys..u made mie dayy!! :)

♥ Blogged @
7:00 PM

YEAH!!exams are finally oveerr!!=D
our final paper is combined science..
ok larh..i finished doing the paper in 30 mins!
which is half the exam time..lol!heheh..
so checked the paper 1 last time n went to sleep.^-^"
after mr tan collected the papers..he still had time
to tell us abt post-exams activities n asking us
to hand in our edusave forms by tues..-.-
the boys SCREAMED when we're dismissed..lol!

after school..had no plans at all!!
so we stayed at the canteen for a while..
for i dunno what reason..
when we walked out of the school..saw john
sitting at outside the fence at the walkway there..
asked him whether he's alright coz he was kinda feeling
unwell during the exam until mr tan hl
accompanied him to the toilet..
walked out of school together with idris n zul also..
then john told us tat he ate raw eggs!!for the exams..
wanted to c if his stomach is strong enough..
n to train for army or sumthin lyk tat..-.-"
effects??gt gastric pain n feels weak..haiz..tsk..
hanged out with fareh,nurul,amirah,arina n naqi..
then went home!!:)

get well soon john!!^^

♥ Blogged @
12:38 AM

Thursday, October 09, 2008

realli happy today!!coz i actually managed
to do the maths paper!it was quite easy larh can!
lyk no tricky qns so much..heheh
poa1 paper..cannot balance!!!!!!!!!!!T.T
stupid trial balance..everytime cannot balance.. :p
very frustrating u noe..bt other than tat..
it was easy n i tink i did ok..^-^

after the exams..went to tm with
nurul,nad,amirah,fareh,arina n naqiyah..
we just went shopping n looking for items..
wanted to buy cd's bt cant decide!!coz there
was a sale n each cd oni cost $6.95..
how cheap is tat??in the end..oni bought a necklace..
gonna wear it everyday!n i seriously mean everyday..^^
nurul,naqi n amirah went home soon after
n we walked to the st. hilda's bus stop
coz nadiyah wanted to cut her hair at near
fareh's house there..
bt me n arina didn't follow..went home straightaway
coz goin to tm again with amirah later!!:)
met at 5 plus n went to buy some stuffs..had fun!!
lots of laughs!!when we walked into tm..
took the escalator frm the first floor..
was talking abt sum1 then suddenly the escalator
stopped!!-.-"!!!!!then nid to walk up..tsk
bought 2 cds.."13 going on 30" n "school of rock"
reached home at abt 7 plus..hahx

♥ Blogged @
1:13 AM

Wednesday, October 08, 2008

here are the pics we took at mie hse.. :) y is mie face blurrr??=p
me and arina :)

lol!!nurul n her crazy moments..XD
besties 4ever!! ME NURUL NAQI N ARINA:)
had physics paper todae..
actually studied until 3am!!lol..actually wanted
to study last nite..bt accidentally slept until 12.30 am!!
when i woke up..i panicked lyk hell larh!!
coz i nvr study for physics at all!>.<
bt then rite..when i realli actually studied
for it..i found out tat physics is actually an
easy subject!!totally regret not studying for it
fully n keep failing mie tests..pffft!
during the exam..mr raj invigilated our class..
when he came in..all of us were lyk..haiz....... :p
so abt the paper..ok larh..not bad..
cant say easy..cant say hard.. :)
at least its beta than chemistry!!which is sooooo
killing mie brain cells when doin the paper!tsk..
bt i lost 1 ridiculous mark by not having a protractor!
dang it!tat mark..may be my passing mark sehh..
lol!k nvm abt tat..
so after sch..went to check our poa marks again since
arina havent checked hers..mr tan oso oredi
marked 3a1's paper..n once again..guess wad??????
their highest score is full marks!!!n the person is frica!!
me nurul arina n amirah was lyk wad the hell!!
we thought tat nobody could beat our highest score..
this is so unexpected!bt nvm..their paper is obviously easier..
coz their paper is shorter than ours..n they're
in the academic stream..totally different paper.. :p
then after sch..amirah went home early..
she was totally upset abt sumthin..
haiz..hope u will feel beta soon!!n i noe it's unfair bt..
i noe u cn do it!!ganbatte!!amirah-chan!^^
so the rest of us went to mie hse..had
tons of fun!!!especially with nurul!!laughed a lot!XD
thanks gurl..lol!lalalalallalalalalalalalla~
lazy to blog abt it..
nid to study for maths n POA!!ok..most likely poa..
bt still..hahahs..shall focus more on poa coz
its one of the subs i cn score on.. :)

♥ Blogged @
3:41 AM