okayy!shall post abt the outing recently..hehehwas late so decided to take a taxi..saw peiyi,zoey n eoin otw outside
sch..(: then i saw sufian waitin for someone then i was lyk
okayy ntn to do with me..hahah!hmm..
then saw izzat!!in home clothes goin out of sch..
he met up with sufian ok yadayadayadaaaaa...then
three of us took a taxi n they paid for me..lol!thanks guyys..
so then met up with nurul,amirah,arina,hafsah n naqi n changed at
mac..off we go to east coast!sat at the bbq place there which needs to be reserved..
bt we didnt..lol
then guess what..forgot water,fork n spoons n knife!!-.-
we tried to cut the cake with the paper plates..-.-
guess hw dat went!so me n hafsah quickly decided to sacrifice ourselves..xD
n off we go to the ntuc aft the underpass..
searched n searched..[p.s we went grocery shopping!(x]
ok then we bought ourselves a treat!hahah!our prize for doin
this when it's our eh-hem2!:PP
went bck..amirah went mising..O.O!hahah!
NO LARH..she went to look for us..awwhhh.. ;D
kk then i met up with her at no.25 there to change bck to the band tee
coz i wanna swim!ran ._.
n instead of goin to the toilet i changed there n then!!
lol u do not wanna know the rest..^^
so swam in the seawater with izzat n sufian..
took all of my energyy for the dayy!coz the current of the waves
is so friggin' strong!xP went bck..talked3..went bowling!hmm..
doot da doo!!hahah random singin'..den bus stop-ed with nurul,naqi n arina..
hahah!!went bck with nurul n home-ed!(;
the outin was great!thanks guyys..