n nowwwwww..
it wasss AWESOME!!!
awesome awesome awesome awesome !
was there earlyy n waited for the others..
n then we got sitted n ordered the food..the queue was long..!
LONG I TELL YOU!urgghh..sucha draagg..
i didnt eat much..coz i was feeling sickk.. xP
my throat hurts n i was having a fever..
but i was okayy soon after..lols!
got this one time when i was eating mashed potato n
i turned to the right..n at the same time alyph turned
to the left n we gave each other our cheeky smile lol!
so cute lahh he.. x3
when alyph & syarif came to our table..
nurul asked him if there's any lens on his specs n
he poked the specs from behind the lens from his fingers..
omgoshh!!dat was so cute n funny.. coz there was no lens
can u imagine..lyk he put his fingers...yeahhh.. nvm
&& this conver between nurul,alyph & syarif..
i was blur as i didnt know wad they were actually talking abt xD
there was this triplets sitting beside us..i only know two of them lol!
they didnt finish eating their cheesefries..
& alyph..being a kepo dat he is.. xD said..
alyph: "ehh..where's the spinach?!"
syarif: "tu bukan spinach lahh..ape ehh bende tuu..uhh"
nurul: "celantro!"
syarif: "it's daun bawang right?"
nurul: "tk sure..but but it's definitely not spinach!"
syarif: "yeahh it's definitely not spinach bro..ape jer.."
alyph still gave his blur look..
then syarif continued, "kau pikir kau popeye kaper makan spinach??"
wooh~ finally alyph kene kacauu...hah!
n then alyph gave his usual.. -.- look lol!
how cn he even think dat it's spinach?? (x
funny lahh this guy..
n i finally got this idk wad do u call it?
knuckle touch?? hahah from alyph..
he actually read wad is written on the plastic present dat i gave himm..
hahahh hope u like the pressie dude !
got to talk to alyph's mum with alyph..
overall it was fun!meeting new awesome gurls!mimi & aryna !
it was such a nice time talking to u aryna!even tho it was
our first tym..u seem so mature..unlike me..xD
hahah!good luck for ur O's!WOOPIEE..
the dudes had to leave at 8.30 coz they had to be at mediacorp..
for the personality zoom at ria on the radio ! ;D
they were hilarious ! couldn't stop laughing !
a lot of confident moments they had.. ^^
my father sent nurul somewhere to meet her family
n then home-ed!
GOSHHH!what a memorable evening n night it was !
i will NEVER forget it!thanks to everyone who was there!
u guys are wad i call awesome!!
meet you gurls soon-est!u know who u are.. *winkwink*
yayyy doneee!!
azura out!(x
OH!n not forgetting . . .
aka alyph!hahah hope u enjoy ur day todayy
having it on hari raya too!woots~
fun shot ! credit goes to kak lyn maritza ! ;Didk who took the picture but it was her camera.. lols!
from left.. nurul,fiqa,mimi,khalisa n meh ! ;Dsome others are up on fb!SOON-EST!;D