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Wednesday, September 30, 2009

im startingg to love maths..
ohh wait..not maths the subject..i meant maths lesson !
hohohoo love maths?? LIKE REALL.. nyehhh =P
today's lesson veryy the funny..
FOO ! awesome !! two thumbs uppp ! ;DD
how i wish i could make an emotion with dat.. any suggestions? LOL
we had a surveyy during the lesson on how we feel
about miss sharifah herself.. xD !
hi-la-ri-ous.. & i was lucky enough to be picked on by herr.. -.-
wooh~ YAY ME !! *claps london tipton's style*
pfft much ! ribooootzz..
&&&& i didnt expect u know..i knoww..i think nurul knows.. LOL
k shaddup i don't ! with a CAPITAL 'D' !
don't! lemme repeat myself don't! like him back okayy???
okayy... did i make myself clear?? yeshh im suree i did.. *winks*

had two whole hours of free period.. wooh!
self-studied ! it was veryyy fruitful.. im lovin' it ! ^-^
got one moment when me & amirah smelled strong perfume
which i hate soooo veryyy muchh cann !
gets me all dizzyy ! @.@
& the smell had JOHN written all over it ! TSKK..
so i asked amirah to scold him & he said it wasnt him
n i got spanked ! -.-
& then he said dat it WAS him & i was lyk .......
ohh u know wad my face expression wass like.. GEEEZZ !
i was soo innocent..you couldnt tell the truth earlier huh john?? =P
greatt thanks ! <-- u can clearly tell dat dis is sarcasm

had maths remedial..
2 hours just went POOF ! so fast.. serious shitz.. hahahh
k stop using dat.. shall not elaborate..
bus stop-ed..sent nurul-ed..home-ed..night studi-ed..home-ed again !
watched SI ! yayyy malaque & tabby's INNN !
okayy it's 11.30 pm noww..
n i should get back to studying till i fall asleep..
toodles !! ;D

♥ Blogged @
8:15 AM

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

how's you people??!
doing finee i hopee.. ^-^

had maths..doing last year's prelim paper two was simply hell..
HAH ! k nvm anw ! do u know lily allen's song 'fuck you'?
-___________- simply addictive.. FOO !
okayy dun get me wrong ! listen to it first..so innocent yet so sick
aiyaaa just listen to it if ur so curious..LOL
lemme warn you..curiosity killed the cat.. hohoho !
but i hate the songg..for making me so addicted to it..makes me soo sick xP
ohh im sure YOU GUYYS know.. =P
okayy side track too much ! back to maths..
soooo sleeeppyyy.. literally had a headache just trying to stay awake..
whole body felt weak..fighting so hard to try to do the qns.. :/
&& after going through the paper.. miss sharifah asked us if we booked
any days for night study for the whole week..
she didnt get to the point but we automatically know dat
she meant if we booked ourselves on thursdayy coz its her day!
HAHAHAHAH.. cute lahhh our class x3

okayy moving on !
eng..had a debate with our dearest miss carol..LOL
for god's sakee just exchange izzat & chia chern's group can??
i mean cmon..it's a win-win situation..! like seriously..
& she gave the excuse dat it will be hell for us girls if
izzat came to our group coz got idris & karthik also..
but nooo ! it wont be.. it will be the opposite lahhhh please..sighh
she's making everyone so "urrgghhh!" by not changing their
place in the group u know..imagine if she did .. everyone will be happy..
-.- i think you people know why right??
*hinthint* c.o.u.p.l.e.s ;DD
k lahhh shall not stress myself with this..

chem lab ! disaster.. LOL
everyone couldnt figure out the last experiment..
n some literally gave up (x
no comments.. n mine didnt work..
daaaamnnnn this subject!seriously..
sometimes i ask myself why do u exist?? hahahhh
woahhhh overreactingg !
n i dislike miss dee..no offense..but she's...past irritatingg..
sometimes she's okayy but other times.. blearrghhh .

after school bumped into omi n valerie..
hugged valerie n i miss my section..
trum-trum-trumpets !! i miss our crazy times..during sectionals??
when we crapped n laughed more than we practiced?? hahah oops ! xD
AAAHHHH...good times good times..really miss those nice chats we had..
any time anywhere during band prac.. );
hope eveyone's doing finee.. ^-^

azura out ! x3

♥ Blogged @
8:36 AM

Saturday, September 26, 2009

hmm a lot of things happened recently..
on thursday helped arina with her art..
me,nurulbestie,arina n naqi was inside the art room
listening to SleeQ songs n singin along lyk crazeyy! xD
while painting..hohoho..it's been a while since i did art.. ;D

got back my prelim results..
shall not talk about it..
no more playing games..this is it !
where im going depends on how hard i work from now till
one month laterrr.. ALL THE BEST ! for me n for u peepoz out there too yawww!! :3
cmon cmon cmon ! we cann do it aites..
i do not wish to see any tears of sadness or regret on dat dayy .

OHH..n u know the CCA slip thingy n at the end ur FT
has to write something about u??
yeahh miss sharifah wrote dat im the ASL of trombone section
while chia chern is the ASL of trumpet section.. -__________-"
GREAATT..wth! hahah then when me n cc went to her
she gave dat cheeky smile n said ahhh mr ahmad! ._.
no comments..

oh n we had fire drill yesterdayy.. -____________-
"tere was a fire in the home econ room" double -_______________-
everyone was lyk strolling down okayy!like wth! hahahah
n had a nice chat with nurul,idris n john..
we discussed on who's hot in school..lol!FUNNAYEE...

k dats all ! enjoy the pics aites!=P


can u see whose names r those?? xD


♥ Blogged @
6:23 AM

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

ME & NAQI <3

changed my blogskin yawww!!
whaddya guys think??
cute right?? x3
I L-L-LOVEE IT!! <33

been my bestie since sec one !
i love youuu!!i have always admired how u r always calm n elegant..
in ur every movee..oh u know wad i mean..
tk leh angsxsx tau!hahahah =P
gd luck for ur O's babe !
hope u enjoyed ur day todayy with youknowwho.. eh-hem2!
spare me the details..xD

♥ Blogged @
8:05 AM

Monday, September 21, 2009

n nowwwwww..
it wasss AWESOME!!!
awesome awesome awesome awesome !
was there earlyy n waited for the others..
n then we got sitted n ordered the food..the queue was long..!
LONG I TELL YOU!urgghh..sucha draagg..
i didnt eat much..coz i was feeling sickk.. xP
my throat hurts n i was having a fever..
but i was okayy soon after..lols!
got this one time when i was eating mashed potato n
i turned to the right..n at the same time alyph turned
to the left n we gave each other our cheeky smile lol!
so cute lahh he.. x3
when alyph & syarif came to our table..
nurul asked him if there's any lens on his specs n
he poked the specs from behind the lens from his fingers..
omgoshh!!dat was so cute n funny.. coz there was no lens
can u imagine..lyk he put his fingers...yeahhh.. nvm
&& this conver between nurul,alyph & syarif..
i was blur as i didnt know wad they were actually talking abt xD
there was this triplets sitting beside us..i only know two of them lol!
they didnt finish eating their cheesefries..
& alyph..being a kepo dat he is.. xD said..
alyph: "ehh..where's the spinach?!"
syarif: "tu bukan spinach lahh..ape ehh bende tuu..uhh"
nurul: "celantro!"
syarif: "it's daun bawang right?"
nurul: "tk sure..but but it's definitely not spinach!"
syarif: "yeahh it's definitely not spinach bro..ape jer.."
alyph still gave his blur look..
then syarif continued, "kau pikir kau popeye kaper makan spinach??"
wooh~ finally alyph kene kacauu...hah!
n then alyph gave his usual.. -.- look lol!
how cn he even think dat it's spinach?? (x
funny lahh this guy..
n i finally got this idk wad do u call it?
knuckle touch?? hahah from alyph..
he actually read wad is written on the plastic present dat i gave himm..
hahahh hope u like the pressie dude !
got to talk to alyph's mum with alyph..
overall it was fun!meeting new awesome gurls!mimi & aryna !
it was such a nice time talking to u aryna!even tho it was
our first tym..u seem so mature..unlike me..xD
hahah!good luck for ur O's!WOOPIEE..
the dudes had to leave at 8.30 coz they had to be at mediacorp..
for the personality zoom at ria on the radio ! ;D
they were hilarious ! couldn't stop laughing !
a lot of confident moments they had.. ^^
my father sent nurul somewhere to meet her family
n then home-ed!
GOSHHH!what a memorable evening n night it was !
i will NEVER forget it!thanks to everyone who was there!
u guys are wad i call awesome!!
meet you gurls soon-est!u know who u are.. *winkwink*
yayyy doneee!!
azura out!(x
OH!n not forgetting . . .
aka alyph!hahah hope u enjoy ur day todayy
having it on hari raya too!woots~
fun shot ! credit goes to kak lyn maritza ! ;D
idk who took the picture but it was her camera.. lols!
from left.. nurul,fiqa,mimi,khalisa n meh ! ;D

nurul & me ! i was wearing alyph's geek specs.. eeep!
thanks again ehk nurul!i owe u BIG time babeyy!xD


U know..he seriously shouldnt point the knife lyk dat xD

is it just me? or does he still look like a lil' boy even tho he's turned 20.. xD!

this is when he found out dat the candles cannot be blown out (x

alyph's being lectured by his mom to act like an adult now since he's alrdy 20.. lmao!

Alyph & family..NICEEE..I LOVE THIS PIC!

me & riffy rif rif!xD

&& finallyy..me & the birthdayy boyy!i like this pic.. ^^
some others are up on fb!SOON-EST!;D

♥ Blogged @
10:47 PM

longgg post ahead yawww !
so u r permitted to leave anytime u get bored aites ! xD
hmm i think imma separate the two awesome events !
on thursday n on friday.. coz each one was special
n i dun wanna join them together in one post..
k now shaddup n move on !

17.09.09 !
met everyone at eunos inter the boys were late!
aper??fashionably late kaperrs..?pfft!made us wait.. :P
n then off we goooo to marina square !
at the mrt..we were separated.. -.-
me n naqi was stuck with the boys.. double -.-
wad i hate about being with them is dat they will always irritate & imitate me..
n when i mean 'them' i meant idris ! :P
kalau tk kacau aku tk sahh tau budak ni.. pfft much!
anw, rushed to the food court n we got lost..hahah! ^^"
so arina n riqa fetched us n they rushed off to tuition.. (;

sat outside the food court...
the view was ahhhhhhhhh-mazinggggg !!!
like totally awesome i tell you ! FOO ! tk lehh angsxs..
it was not long after when we had to break fast..
had a sip of water n waited for izzat n the burfday gurll!
note dat most of us said dat we couldnt make it
n i msged her dat me n nurul cnnt make it blahblahblah
to make her sad n u knoww lahh.. hahah
then when she came we're like "surprise !"
hahahh!she looks so pretty lahh can..when she came it was like
woahhhh !xD
lawaaa lahhhh ... izzat must hav been so smitten by you dat dayy !
woot woot ! n amirah criedd...! awwhhh..
she must have been so touched n shocked to c us there..xD
& us classmates made this scrapbook for her..
we put our picture n wrote some stuffs..n decorated it..
awwwhhh sho shweeet ryte?? x3
best birthdayyy ! she said.. hahah
it was cheesecake &&& there was crushed oreo layer at the bottom..
mmmmmmmmmm.... yummy yummy in my tummy!
pssst...it was my first tym eating cheesecake!xD i know ryte??lol
it was made by hafsah,izzat n idris.. the oreo was crushed by idris..
well,gotta giv him credit coz it was my fave-est part of the cake ! ;DD
when the boys went off to ....
us gurls cam-whored in the toilet!tons of pictures taken i tell you!
we just cant stop!xD hahahahh

kay after dat off we went to walk beside the river..
walkwalkwalk..talktalktalk..n me n nurul kept singing
SleeQ's songs while we were walking lyk nobody's business !
hohoho ^o^ semuanyaa..cun sajaaa.. ;D
took pictures again!awesome time walking there..it was very beautifull..
n to the bridge..the view was simply awesome!
had fun with these peepoz ! this will be our last outing before the big O !
after dat it's time to parteyy!will go to everywhere in s'pore..cheyy!
just kiddin' -.-
we plan to go tooo... ahahhah!a lot of places lahh okayy..

soon after..oni left me,nurul,amirah,izzat,idris,nana n sufian..
went to relax at starbucks..thanks amirah for the treat hunnie! (x
the coffee simply made me crazyy hahah!
&& idris said i was mabuk(drunk) after i drank the coffee..
n then ryte after a while he tripped on sumthin n walked lyk a mabuk himself!
HAHH!say people say urself.. nyeeehhhhh!! :P
it's something called retribution ;D

after dat home-ed ! was sooooo tireddd!!but!it was a good tired.. xD
HAD FUNNN!will rmb this dayy okayy?
now for you to c the pics..there were 10 times more pics i tell you..
but i'll just upload the best of the best ones here & the rest
are up on fb!! =P ...SOON-EST ! *winkwink*

me & nurulbestie!<3
the b-b-b-burfday gurrlll ! ;D
NICEEE.. izzat taking a pic of himself -.-
me & naqi !
i like this ! cun cun kiter sume stood around the pole ;D
ahhh ni da case perasan.. =P
ME feeding the burfdayy gurl!sweeter than when izzat did it ryte?? xD
THIS ! is wad i call.. "the makcik handbags" hahah!
CLassiQ x3
besties since sec one ! i heart u gurls !
DANGGG! i lovee this pic!
THIS TOO!nurul's hp effect is awesome!;D
WOAHHH!i was so awestruck by this pic!
told u the view was AWESOME!
credits goes to nurul for taking this pic!
wahh can become cameraman seeyyy!
n i meant the handphone not u nurull..hahahh!
cheyyy!jkjk.. nice jobbss! TWO THUMBS UPPP!;D

♥ Blogged @
1:16 PM

Sunday, September 20, 2009

just a quick update..
okayy daaaaatss it!
gonna continue with my hari raya preps.. -.-
always do last minute u know!! tsk

oh n before i forget..

these awesome dudettes!!
i love you guys n u know it!
nyehhhhh =PP
gd luck for ur O'S guyss..let's just get it over with
n then it's time to parteyyy!! ;D

it was so fun talking to you yesterday
even tho it was our first tym!!
ur so awesome..meet you soon-nest!
after the big O'S aites..n gd luck!! *winkwink*

♥ Blogged @
10:52 PM

Friday, September 18, 2009

it was sooo undescribable okayy??!
will post about it soon!!
time for hari raya preps babeyyy!
oh n alyph n rif was so hilarious onthe radio just now..
hahhh these two dudes..totally awesome ;DD

tmr nid to wake up EXTREMELY early to go to the market..
-.- awesome .. double -.-

♥ Blogged @
9:11 AM

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

ehh wad paper did i have uhh?
ishh!FORGOT.. :/
ohh well after dat..went to study with mahh gurlfrens!xD
hahah studied maths until like %*$#!@$ !
my goshhh..my head feels lyk it was gonnah burst anytime soon!o.o
overwhelming.. xD
hahah sucha dramaqueen! =P
anw had fun lahhh .. riqa,nad n arina..SO NOIISYYYY!
kept singing hari raya songgs!n some upbeat songs..
WHICH!im not in favour of..lols!well most.. =P
wanna do maths oso cnnt u know..cheyy!
hahah no lahhh..it was fun n crazyy being with them..
hahahahh awesome!;DD
thanks guyys for the awesome evening well spent!=P

had poa1 n maths paper..maths was surprisingly...easyy??
hahah!yupyup..gotta admit..btw..im starting to lyk maths?? :S
maybe coz im better at it now? hahahh!
well we'll see..okayy stop asking qns.. hahh
idris was more irritating todayy -.-
BUT!i prefer him being all irritatingg rather than all quiet..
like SERIOUSLY..kalau da diam tuu..foo!SCARYY xD
during the poa paper he was lyk keep singing hari raya songs??
urgghh so i ssssshhhh!! him && he said "tk per azura..nanti kauu..bukan main lagik ehh"
HAHAH!like real bro!=P
n i had tons of leisure time during poa..
wahhhh!had a nice time sleeping mannxsxs!
BUT!idris woke me up!!grrrrrrr....i was in the middle of a dream damn you!=P
but i forgot wad was it about..i hate dat!
hav u ever experienced dat?? I HATE DAT!hahah k no nid to repeat.. x3
all in all..everything was cun sajaa.. ;DD
k time to go study f&n nowww!!

azura out !

♥ Blogged @
4:51 AM

Monday, September 14, 2009

had poa prelims todayy..
uhhh okayy uhh..for someone who didnt study for it xD
haah!dun get me wrong kayy!focusing on other subs much!=P
coz..hmm poa....next tym lahh lols! ;D
btw!after the paper..me n arina was hanging out at 4e5 classrm
n then at the atrium..talked alot huh babe?hah!

hadri n iriandi came n sat at the opposite..then leonard,kelmond n tingwei
came along soon after..ni case budak2 tk puase!psssh!
hahahh funny lahh seyy..kelmond shouted.. "tk puase!" (not fasting)
n pointed to iriandi..lols!then we all laughed..
n then he drank some water n he saw dat i saw him
n then he said "ehh!im fasting lahh!" -_______-
WTH?? hahah!like real bro!xD
funny lahh himm x3
n after dat me n arina zoom-ed our wayy to T1!
to meet riqa n nad ;D
arina is finding 4 september babies present!!
when i say there are a lot of september babies..
I WASNT KDDING! like seriously!
many ppl i know are born in september!:O
hahah kayy moving onnn..had fun lahh with them!
these awesome peepoz!hahah..OHOHOH!
n i just found out dat riqa's fave colour ish purple??!
camwhore-ed in the bus!-.-
kayy i shall stop here!!time to study physics babeyy!!;DD

p.s im lyk updating my blog so often now.. :/
dunno if its a good thing or a bad thing..
btw twitter anyone??if so tell me okayy!=P

♥ Blogged @
3:40 AM

yoooooooooooo peepoz!!!
what time is it??!
summer time!~
kayy stop it seyy hsm is sooo dah basi.. xD

BTW!its 3 am in the mornin'
yesh T.H.R.E.E.. 3!! u heard mehh ;D
im still uppp babeyy!n guess wad ? soon after like later!
im gonna have my prelims..
woahhh!isnt dat just awesome??
hahah it's all nurul's fault!
i was about to sleep when i keep smsing her..lyk cnnt stop..
FOO!<--- damn you!u got me addicted to this!xD aye nurul??
hahahh!lyk every sms i sent her there's this word.. FOO! in it..x3
HHAHAHAHAH!!sms her until i cnnt sleep..
lols!!so cute lahh the word.. x3
just bcoz it's from someone..teehee!! ^-^V
kayy i have no idea wad to do now since i cant sleep!xP
im lyk not sleeping enough nowadays.. :/
WOAHHHH!!hahahhh bt its an awesome feeling..
like idk .. hahh...
blub..blub..blub.. xD!

azura out!!^^

♥ Blogged @
3:03 AM

Saturday, September 12, 2009


u wanna know something??
im alone at home!!yeaahhhhh!!
u wanna know wads so awesome abt it??
can blast out songs like crazyyy!!!xD
pssstt.. mostly sleeQ songs..hahahh!
woot woot~
currently chatting,twittering,youtubing n facebooking..
goshh!My hands r tired!xP

my house is going greenn!!
oh yeahhhhhh!

AWESOME!!*cough cough* my fave colour *cough*
hahahh!k tk perluusss....
im sure YOU GUYYS know wad im talking abt.. x3
EEEEP!cant wait okayy?? pssshh!
alrights...wanna go eat strawberry nata de coco!

♥ Blogged @
7:15 AM

Friday, September 11, 2009

got ourselves friendship rings!!hahah
didnt expect that coz we were actually finding 3 september babies pressie!lols..
in case u cant c..oh wait..which u cant..DOPE!-.-
the one above says 'best' (which is mine)
while the one below says 'friends' (which is nurul's)
its soo cool dat our fingers are of the same size..wooh~
lucky us! yeyaaa! ^-^V
hahah!awwwhhh.. I LOVE U BESTIEEE!!
hahahah nothing can seperate us aye?? ;D

and there goes our matching watches!x3
mine's purple..woot woot!
NICEEE... hahahah sempat ehh??

SOOO...went to school todayy to do FINAL
amendments to f&n coursework..yesh!final! (i hope :/ )
hmm yeahh!then headed off to bugis!
on our way back at the mrt..some hilarious incident happened!
hahahh goshh it was L.O.L! xD
actually at first there was someone who's whistling..
then got two tudungs said out "ehh siol sape tu??"
or some vulgar word i cant really rmb.. :S
HAHAHAHH!!they were right behind us n i immediately turned back
n suddenly burst out laughin!couldnt take it..
LIKE SERIOUSLYY.. i mean cmon..!fasting month??wear tudungs??
LIKE WTH?? hahah!i almost sat on the floor coz of the laughing
n i was like literally crying trying to do silent laughter..
soon after!nurul also joined and laugh!coz right..the
whistling was getting pretty annoying!
the person kept whistling the same tune..these 3 notes..hahah!
n once we thought it was over it started again..lols!
coz we were like the only ones laughing??hahahahh!!
laughed until we didnt even realise dat we've reached bedok..lols!
goshh..joke of the day i'd sayy.. hahah!
HAHHH..made my dayy...
on the way back to the inter also kept laughing hahahh!
urrgghhh.. stomach,throat n jaw pain..

had a fun time with bestie todayy!as usual..
the ush! ;D
love u lahh..awwhh.. x3
dats it! ^^

♥ Blogged @
7:00 AM