forever cuzzinnsss ! heee ♥
PEEPZ OUT THEREEEE ! ♥♥ did u guys hav fun ?? ;D
i did! i got to spend it with my family & cousins.
which was very meaningful & just awesomeee! spent the whole day at changi beach.
windy windy windy... my uncle created a few games for us to play.
LOL!i've nvr seen them so kecohhhh!seriously. funny like helll!
hahahah bt i went to catch up on my sleep in d tent. cnnt take it.
& there was lotsaaa fooood!dammit! HAHAHA
but i managed to resist abit. lol. then me & my uncle guessed the brand
of every aeroplane dat flew by. LOL & i did mention dat
it was my bro's bday ytd! yes we celebrated dat basically.
& the chocolate cake..mmmhmmmm.. nuff said. (;
bt NOTHING cn beat oreo cheesecake!!now who's wimme??anyone?yes?no? LOL
watched TESTIMONI at 9PM to watch alyph. hahah! my sister said,
"sloww uhh deni ckp." hahahah! ribooootzzz! but wateva alyph said was true.
&&& when he mentioned stuffs abt the fans my sis.......... -_-"
yeahhh awkwarddd... ahahah! but it's all goooood. im innocent ^^
well dats alll folks ! cant wait fr class BBQ/CHALET !!
wanna see my classmates again & catch up on things ! cam-whore too !!
this smartypantzzz.. hahahah miss his crazy yet lame jokes in class
& how he always puts the class together as the pillar of strength. ;D
loveee you dudeee ! as a friend of course. did i clear dat up? lol ;P
thankyou fr tagginggg!! i cn never get tired of saying this. coz i really mean it!
<(^~^<) mmm..can u feel the virtual hug? hahahh ♥♥
Aaai: wow! Banyk nyer bday!?! 0.0
banyak ehk? hahah!dats just half of them lahh.LOL! ;P
FANNA!(:: when i twit tht time we have chat for days now then we chat everyday. LOL!
ohhh ehh? LOL! okayy then. chat with u again soon?! ahahah ;D
Aaai: kau buat klakar pe 1st time?! yg tat time aku post pasal sleeq tu lagi...nver ending hahaha
AHHH YESSS!! btol3.. tu detailed perr kauuuuu~! hahahah bagussssss
★Nurul: ape siot bumbum, aku tau mbk jek. HAAHAHAHAHA, diam uh da blakon sume. wateva. hmmph,
ehh cute siol namer tuuuu!! wthh hahahah. MBK??! ishhhh dat doesnt sound familiar xD ehhh mekk tk lahhh.tk de paper sgt. lol ;P
Wawa: Hiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii ! ;)
Wawa: Yes, that will help me so much more with my hair.. Haha, dye ur hair? Want to see hw it'll turn out!
hello youuuuu! & true cant wait to see hw urs will turn out too! but wait,provided my mom allow lahh..*prays hard* hahahah ;D
Omairah!: Relink! First time I changed my link, so dont get angry! ;D omiiiii!!HIHI. ;D hahah ofcourseeee!no problemm..will link u soonest (; ♥
azura outttt yawww ! xx